News : LAs vs Rogue Landlords
LAs now have further powers to enforce against rogue landlords including the power to issue fines of up £30,000. The housing and planning minister Gavin Barwell has said that the measures will give councils the additional powers they need to tackle poor-quality rental homes, by driving the worst landlords out of business.
Government has said it intends that the use of the powers will help to raise standards, improve affordability and give tenants the protections they need.
These powers come into play alongside the power that LAs have to prosecute landlords. These alternatives to prosecution are available for a range of housing offences. Under the new powers, councils may :
• impose fines of up to £30,000 (which they can retain for private sector housing enforcement purposes)
• issue rent repayment orders in extended circumstances (to penalise landlords managing or letting unlicensed properties) ; and
• access tenancy deposit protection data (to help in enforcement and prevention work).
As ever, ITS will continue to support councils by providing training in all areas of housing enforcement and prosecution.
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