Claims Handlers

If you work in Insurance Investigation, here are some suggestions for you.

Core Skills for Investigators
A choice of qualifications that will help you to do your job better!

The Law and Preliminary Investigations - Price Code B
This course covers the basic investigation skills, techniques and law.  It also covers the NCIS 3x5x2 model, fast tracking cases, and risk management.

Investigative InterviewingPrice Code E
This two day course covers all the essential information to help you plan, implement and control an investigative interview.

Quality Witness Statements - Price Code A
The final day of Core Skills for Investigators, covering evidence types, civil statements and the different types of statements that you might be recording.

Handling an Insurance InvestigationPrice Code A
Designed for the insurance industry, this course gives a good grounding in the skills needed to manage an investigation remotely.

Open Source – Intelligence & Evidence GatheringPrice Code A
As our world becomes more and more technology based, so should our investigations. If you realise this then you’ll know that there’s a wealth of information that can be accessed directly from your desktop. Here’s how to do it.
Fraud Prevention Courses
This will take you to our page on Fraud Prevention Courses.