These brand new qualifications are designed to provide those working in the field of information and intelligence with the knowledge and skills required in order to lawfully and efficiently acquire, develop, manage and disseminate intelligence. It also covers the use of historic and extant data to provide a picture of likely trends and prepares delegates to consider organisational exposure to fraud risk.
Holders of the Professional Certificate :Â Intelligence Acquisition and Development will have :
- Displayed the same level of core investigation skills as holder of all the ITS qualifications – the ability to plan and carry out enquiries lawfully, to interview witenesses and record evidence in the form of written statements.
- Demonstrated the ability to obtain intelligence information from open sources and communications data providers in a lawful and efficient manner.
- Described how to use and manage confidential human sources of intelligence in an investigation.
- Assessed incoming information, developing it appropriately (into either evidence or intelligence) and classifying it according to the NIM principles.
- Analysed historical data alongside extant intelligence to develop a clear picture of current and emerging crime trends in the scope of the investigation team.
- Examined and reported upon organisational exposure to fraud risk.
There are three connected qualifications :
- Professional Award :Â Intelligence Skills
- Professional Certificate :Â Acquiring and Developing Intelligence
- Professioanl Diploma :Â Acquiring, Developing and Managing Intelligence
The Award is a single unit qualification, consisting of :
- Intelligence Acquisition and Handling – 70 hours – Level 5
The Certificate consists of three units :
- Core Investigation Skills – 60 hours – Level 5
- Intelligence Acquisition and Handling – 70 hours – Level 5
- Advanced Intelligence – 50 hours – Level 5
The Diploma consists of four modules :
- Core Investigation Skills – 60 hours – Level 5
- Intelligence Acquisition and Handling – 70 hours – Level 5
- Advanced Intelligence – 50 hours – Level 5
- Managing Investigations – 70 hours – Level 5