New Ways of Investigating

If you’re an investigator looking for a bit of help and advice for investigating in the current climate, we’ve got three courses just for you!

Root Cause Analysis

Used throughout the most prestigeous and sucessful businesses in the world to truly understand how things go wrong, this powerful suite of tools is invaluable to any investigation unit seeking to establish the reasons it has been possible for crime to be committed against its systems.

Where RCA differs from ‘normal’ investigation is that it doesn’t seek blame nor does it assume a single cause for any event. It goes beyond superficial cause and effect helping you to show how processes or systems failed or caused an issue in the first place and, most importantly, helping you to ensure that it doesn’t happen again!

Come on this course and learn how to uncover the root causes, minimise the chance of reoccurrence and help the organisation learn from what started life as a problem, crime or complaint.  Find out more about fishbones and why swiss cheese matters.  Discover new ways to think about crime and crime prevention!  For more details, click here to open the RCA information sheet. (opens in new window)

Socially Distanced Investigations

This course is designed for those who are already carrying out investigations (new investigators should come on our Professional Qualification training) and will consider the main changes that are needed in investigative practice, in order to comply with social distancing rules and guidance. We consider how selection of cases may change, the methods used to investigate and gather evidence, interviewing suspects and witnesses, case disposal considerations and preparing for, and ‘attending’, court hearings.

This course is a must for those who want to carry on investigating by carrying out Covidsafe Investigations! Click here to open the SDI course information sheet.

NOTE : If you’re not trained as an investigator, please undertake the Professional Certificate : Investigation ; this course is only for those who are already fully trained in investigation under normal circumstances.

Get a Professional Qualification in Investigation

Remote Covidsafe Suspect Interviews

This practical course combines a bit of distance learning with a classroom session before going on to give you the chance to practice a full blown interview using a remote platform. You’ll work with another investigator to plan your interview (also remotely) before carrying out a live interview, with our training staff taking the part of the suspect and, possibly, a second person – a solicitor or interpreter. You MUST be trained in interviewing (PEACE / Conversation Management) AND the PACE protocols to attend this course. If you’re not, please see our interviewing training page here instead.

Click here to open the Remote Covidsafe Suspect Interviews course information sheet.

Click here to see the latest national guidance on interviewing suspects during the covid epidemic


Mental Health Awareness for Investigators

This course is aimed specifically at those carrying out investigations and raises awareness of mental health both generally and in the contect of investigations. It covers:

  • What mental health is and how to challenge stigma ;
  • A basic knowledge of some common mental health issues ;
  • The particular risks to look out for in the mental health of other investigators ;
  • The pressures on, and signs to be aware of around, the mental health of suspects ; and
  • Particular concerns, and signs to be aware of, in connection with the mental health of victims and witnesses.

Click here to download the course information sheet (opens in new window)

Currently availavble open courses :

There are currently no events of this category scheduled to run. Please email to be added to the waiting list.

If you would like a course for just your team, please get in touch.