
We currently offer nationally accredited training courses in various investigative areas.  These are designed for all investigative disciplines, as they teach you how to investigate, rather than focussing on a narrow field.  Previous delegates have come from :

  • corporate investigations
  • trading standards
  • housing (LA and housing association)
  • environmental health
  • education
  • private sector (‘big business’)
  • private investigations
  • journalism

Courses can be delivered at your premises ;  this is normally the most cost-effective option for you if you have five or more delegates.  If you prefer, you may attend an open course ;  the links on the left show forthcoming dates.

You don’t need to take all the modules at once and can build up the qualifications as your career progresses.  Please click through for details or contact us for further information.

Professional Qualifications :  Investigation, Investigation Support and Investigation Management

Our clients tell us that this is the most comprehensive suite of courses across the whole field of investigation in the public and private sector. Building from ‘Core Investigation Skills’, delegates can add modules to build a certificate or diploma at Level 5 or take various modules singly, as individual awards from levels 4 to 5. Click here for details…

Professional Qualifications : Intelligence Acquisition, Development and Management

These qualifications are designed to provide those working in the field of information and intelligence with the knowledge and skills required in order to lawfully and efficiently acquire, develop, manage and disseminate intelligence. It also covers the use of historic and extant data to provide a picture of likely trends and prepares delegates to consider organisational exposure to fraud risk. Click here for details…