Terms and Conditions
A.  Open (physical and virtual) Courses
1.    You may book delegates onto open events by sending us an email, but we prefer you to book directly via this website.  Once you have made your booking we will treat it as a firm booking.  If your emails carry notices to the contrary, you are expressly refuting those notices by using this method of booking a place or places on an event or events.  At this stage please make sure you inform us of the name and address of the person who you want us to send the invoice to.  Please include either a purchase order number or a statement that your organisation does not use these.
1A. If you purchase from us and send a purchase order with your booking, this has the effect of informing us of your purchase order number but does not impose your purchase terms on us. We offer all our product for sale under the terms and conditions set out here ; by purchasing any of our products you acknowledge this and accept these terms in full.
2.    We will always acknowledge your booking within five working days of receiving it.  At this stage please note that your booking is not confirmed.  This is because courses need minimum numbers before they can run.  Do not make any firm travel or hotel arrangements at this stage.  If you haven’t heard from us, please resend your email or call 0330 000 8262.
3.   For physical events : at least ten working days before the first day of the event, we will confirm your booking by email.  You should not treat a booking as confirmed until you have received this notification.  If you have not heard about any event two weeks before you are due to attend, please telephone us immediately. (For virtual events, these are confirmed at shorter notice.)
4.    We will not cancel an event unless we have no other option.  If we do have to cancel an event we will give you as much notice as we can.  In the event that we have to cancel an event later than noon on the previous working day, we will reimburse the reasonable travelling costs of any delegate whom you are unable to contact.
5.    Our prices for physical open courses include tea and coffee and a light lunch.  We do our best to accommodate any special dietary requirements, although we are unable to guarantee this as we have to rely on the training venues to provide food and drink.
6.    You may cancel a place on a training event at any time.  There is no charge (but see 6A below) so long as twenty-eight days remain between the date of cancellation and the start date of the event (with both dates included in the twenty-eight days) – we call this the Free Cancellation Period.  Cancellations after this date attract a full charge.
6A. If you have paid for an event BEFORE we invoice you for it, and you then ask to cancel your booking within the Free Cancellation Period, any refund we make will have a £20 fee deducted from it, to cover our banking and associated costs.
7.    If you agree to host an open event you can change your mind at any time up to and including four weeks before the event is due to start.  If you change your mind after this time, you may be liable for our costs in arranging a new venue.
8.    If you agree to host an event but are unable to provide rooms on the day, you will be liable for the reasonable travel costs of all parties, for our costs in arranging a new venue and for our losses.
B.  Closed (in house) Events and Consultancy
9.    You may book a closed event or consultancy by sending us an email. Once you have sent us this booking we will treat it as a firm booking.  If your emails carry notices to the contrary, you are expressly refuting those notices by using this method of booking a place or places on an event or events.  At this stage please make sure you inform us of the name and address of the person who you want us to send the invoice to.  Please include either a purchase order number or a statement that your organisation does not use these.
10.  If you book an in-house event that is an ‘off the shelf’ course, you may cancel this booking at any time (although see 6A above).  There is no charge as long as twenty-eight days remain between the date of cancellation and the start date of the event (with both dates included in the twenty-eight days) – we call this the Free Cancellation Period. Cancellations after this date attract a full charge.  Bespoke events are counted as consultancy for cancellation purposes.
11.  Bookings for consultancy or bespoke events may be cancelled but will always be charged at the full rate.  This is because we often start to prepare materials many weeks before the days that we come to see you to actually carry out consultancy or training.  Provided, however, that you give us at least four weeks notice, we are quite prepared to offer alternative dates to you at no extra charge to the consultancy costs. Changes to dates at less than four weeks notice will be subject to a charge of 20% of the total cost for the dates changed.  Changes to dates of less than two weeks notice will be subject to a charge of 40% of the total cost for the dates changed. If you do ask us to rearrange a date, you agree to be liable for any extra costs we incur in rearranging travel and hotels ; this is in addition to the training / consultancy fee.
11A. When you book a course for in-house delivery, we will inform you of the maximum number of delegates who may attend. At our discretion, we may allow that number to be exceeded, subject to the payment of an agreed fee. If you ask us to allow extra delegates (and we agree), we will confirm this in writing. If you wish to cancel the extra delegate places, you must do so at least twenty-eight days before the start of the course in order to avoid paying for the places. If you cancel within twenty-eight days the full amount will remain payable. (If you request and confirm extra delegate numbers within twenty-eight days of the start of the course, the full amount will always be payable.) Any method described under s.9 may be used to request and/or confirm extra delegate numbers.
C.  All events
12. We will provide evidence of attendance for all training course delegates. The type of certificate we provide depends on whether the event is a course or a briefing session and whether or not delegates undertake an assessment as part of the course.
12a.  For all examined training events, we will provide pdf certificates for all delegates*, in the names and spellings that we are given.
12b. For non-examined courses we will issue CPD certificates for delegates to complete, as part of the course materials.
12c. For briefing events or any half day session, we either provide one certificate to the organisation, covering all attendees, or we will issue CPD certificates for delegates to complete, as part of the session materials.
13.  You will be charged £10.00 for each certificate that has to be reissued because we have been incorrectly notified of the delegates’ names.
14.  We will always endeavour to modify events to suit the delegates but, in all cases, you are responsible for ensuring that you know the content of the event(s) and that the delegate(s) you send is/are suitable.  By booking a course (or booking a delegate onto a course), where a course information sheet specifies prior experience or knowledge, you are certifying that the delegate(s) has/have the relevant knowledge or experience.  Delegates who fall short of the specified prior experience may be asked to leave the course.  You will still be charged for their place.
Pay an Invoice15. For standard courses (where no customisation is needed), we will invoice you for training events no sooner than four weeks before the event is due to take place.  Consultancy will be billed on a schedule that we agree with you when you accept our quotation for the consultancy. Customised courses are treated as consultancy for billing purposes.
15A. We invoice by means of a PDF invoice sent either with your confirmation or joining instructions, or by separate email. If you require us to use an alternative method of invoicing (by, for example, logging into a website and completing online forms) you agree to pay a handling charge of £25+VAT per invoice.
15B. If you ask us to issue extra invoices (where, for example, you wish to share the cost of the services we provide with another organisation) you agree to pay a handling charge of £25+VAT per extra invoice.
15C. If you overpay an invoice, pay an invoice twice or do anything that leads to you paying more than is due, you agree to pay a handling charge of £25+VAT if you ask us to return excess funds to you or issue a credit note.
15D. If you pay less than the invoice amount for any reason at all, and that leads to us issuing a further invoice for the outstanding amount, you agree to pay a handling charge of of £25+VAT per extra invoice. (For sake of clarity you are not allowed to award yourself a discount for paying our invoices on time, regardless of what your purchase terms say. You are buying from us under our terms and conditions ; any underpayment due to this sharp practice will be pursued through the courts.)
16.  Our payment terms are fourteen days from invoice date.  Late payment will attract charges and interest in accordance with current legislation, and will lead to the removal of any discount. (Note)
Pay an Invoice17.  If you make a booking for an open course within four weeks of the start date of the event (unless the distance selling provision applies) or you buy a closed course or consultancy, then you will always be charged at the full rate if you cancel your booking.
18.  You may notify us of a change in person attending an event at any time up to the start of the course at no charge.  Please make sure that your substitute delegate has the necessary knowledge or experience to be on the course and that they have undertaken any pre-course work that was supplied to the original delegate.
19.  Whenever we refer to a time period, this includes the day on which you notify us of a change, cancellation or postponement and the day on which the course is due to run (with both dates included in the twenty-eight days).
20.  Notifying us of a change of delegate, a cancellation or a postponement must always be by writing or email. The relevant date is the date of RECEIPT not posting. Our address is ITS Training (UK) Ltd. Highfield House, Bishop Norton Road, Glentham, Lincolnshire, LN8 2EU and our email is bookings@its-training-uk.com.
21.  All material that we deliver is regularly checked for accuracy, however the nature of the material is such that what we deliver is our interpretation of the current law and procedures and no responsibility can be taken for any such interpretation.
22.  All material is copyright and must not be copied without prior permission in writing.
23.  By booking a place, an event or consultancy, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions.
24. a) For some of our events, we use associate trainers – specialists who we employ on a contract basis.  Most of our events are run by permanent ITS staff.  You must not attempt to make bookings direct with our trainers – they have all undertaken not to accept such approaches and they would be in breach of their terms of employment.
b)Â You expressly agree to make no approaches to our trainers, as set out in clause (a) above. Â You agree that, if you are found to have directly employed any trainer supplied by us, you will pay us a fee equivalent to 75% of our normal day rate for each day that they run for you as an introduction fee.
c)Â Under no circumstances may any of our materials be used by anyone other than one of our trainers (unless we have granted you a licence in writing to use specific materials). Â If you are found to have used any of our copyright materials, you agree to pay a copyright fee of ten times the current standard course price for up to ten uses. Â If you have used the material more than ten times, you will pay a fee of ten times the standard course price plus the standard course price for each use over ten.
25. Termination. Â In the event that either party to a contract under these terms and conditions becomes bankrupt or goes into receivership or liquidation this contract, together with any associated or subsidiary contracts or warranties, may be terminated by written notice as set out above.
26. Force Majure & Health and Safety.  We have an overriding duty of care to the health and safety of our employees and delegates.  If, in our view, the premises that you provide for a training course fall so far short of the acceptable standard so as to place at risk the trainer or any of the delegates, we will advise you immediately. If you are unable to rectify the problems or provide suitable alternative accommodation, we will not deliver the service. In any event you will remain liable for full payment.
27. We will notify you of the identity of your consultant when we confirm a booking and this will not normally be changed. In the event that we do have to change the consultant, we will notify you as soon as we can. We normally only change a consultant for reasons of sickness.
28. Questions. If you have any questions about these terms and conditions, you must resolve them by emailing us before booking a place or a course. By making a booking, you are accepting these terms and conditions.
29. Conflicts. If there are any conflicts between these terms and conditions and your own standard or contractual terms, you agree that, by making a booking, you are accepting our terms and conditions and setting aside your own.
30. These terms and conditions may change from time to time.  The most up to date version will always be that on our website – www.its-training-uk.com.