You can now purchase a training pass for future use. There are three options : one based on MONETARY VALUE (not linked to a course), one for for OPEN COURSES and one for IN-HOUSE delivery of training. The easiest way to buy these is through PayPal, using the appropriate drop-down menu below. If you are unable to use this method, we are able to invoice you instead ; please contact us to arrange this. Once you have completed the purchase we will email you with your training pass code within 48 hours.
Monetary Value
You may purchase in multiples of £250 + VAT. Select the value you require, by adding one or more of £250, £500 and £1,000 – you can then ‘VIEW CART’ and adjust the number of each, until you have the value you require. as many times as is necessary. You can review your total pass value by going to ‘VIEW CART’ at any time. If you prefer, you may email or call us and we will invoice you instead.
Open Course Passes
These allow you to pre-pay for a place or places on an Open Course. Please check the course information sheet for details of the course fee. The prices quoted here include VAT ; the prices for the Professional Awards / Certificates include the registration fees as well. Note that you may put either a person’s name or the name of your organisation on the Training Pass.
In-House Training Course Passes
These allow you to pre-pay for a Closed Course, to be delivered at your own venue. Please check the course information sheet for details of the course fee. The prices quoted here include VAT ; the prices for the Professional Awards / Certificates DO NOT include the registration fees, as this will vary, depending on the number of persons on the event. These may be purchased separately and we will contact you to gather registration details later. Note that you may put either a person’s name or the name of your organisation on the Training Pass.
You need to pay one registration fee for each delegate you wish to send on the course. There is a maximum of 12 delegates per course.
(These prices apply to public sector and charity clients only and to private individuals who are paying for their own training.)