The national file standard (NFS) is a national system that sets out how case files should be prepared as an investigation progresses. It allows investigators to build only as much of the file as is needed at any given stage – whether that’s for advice, first appearance or trial.
As investigators only prepare material when it is necessary, this prevents wasted effort (such as preparing a full file only for a person to plead guilty). The staged approach means that much of the paperwork may have been completed by the time the investigation is complete, leaving less to do at that stage and preventing duplication of effort.
Files that are prepared to the NFS provide the court and the legal teams with all the information that is necessary to progress the case. The staged nature allows for a file to be developed further, if necessary, should the case goes to summary trial or for committal for trial on indictment at the crown court.
About the course
This comprehensive course covers the NFS in full. It is split between pre-course work, classroom delivery and post course assignment.
Delegates learn about advice files, GAP, N-GAP and full trial files – how to select between them and how to build them.
Click here to download a course information sheet.
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