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The Tenancy Fraud Forum (TFF)

John Bearcroft, TFF
June 2017

The TFF was launched in 2012 and is an independent organisation specifically dealing with Tenancy Fraud.  It is a National platform for the representatives of the numerous regional Tenancy Fraud Forums and for staff of Housing Providers strongly involved with the investigation of tenancy fraud to come together to raise awareness of this type of fraud, how to combat it and for the sharing of best practice.  The TFF main aim therefore, is to bring all Social Landlords together to work collaboratively to combat tenancy fraud.

The group meet approx. quarterly and discuss various issue regarding tenancy fraud including awareness campaigns, actions and successes, legal updates and, one of the most important tasks – the setting up of the TFF Conferences.  There have been two very successful, sold-out conferences to date, with a further Conference schedules for October 2017.  The Conferences have covered numerous fraud related issues such as identity verification, unlawful profit orders, Right-to-Buy Fraud, joint working and evidence gathering.

At present, 6 regional TFFs are represented, including members from London, Gloucestershire, Hereford & Worcestershire, Dorset, Oxford and Hampshire.  Work has also been carried out to assist groups in Cambridgeshire, Devon, Dorset, Essex, Hertfordshire, North West, Northern Ireland, South East London, South West London, Suffolk, Surrey, Swindon, Wales and West Midlands.  TFF members have also visited Scotland and Northern Ireland, providing advice and assistance on tenancy fraud and the benefits of setting up a regional group.  Support and information is also provided to groups and individuals regarding best practice and the setting up of more regional TFFs.

TFF - Tenancy Fraud Fourum

Information and advice is also given through a Yammer group on Housing, Tenancy and Proactive Fraud actions, including reports of successes and best practice.  Periodically, the TFF produces a publication ‘Knock. Knock’ which is full of news and tips to tackle tenancy fraud.  On some high level subjects, Counsel’s Opinion is obtained to provide information and legal advice on common, more complex issues.

The main purpose of the TFF is to reduce tenancy fraud and its impact on organisations and, more importantly, individuals who, due to fraud, are not able to obtain the assistance they need with their housing issues.  Social housing is very limited resource and therefore, it is important that it is fairly allocated to those in highest housing need and continues to assist the rightful tenants with their needs.

Get Housing Fraud Training

This year’s TFF Conference is being held in London on 26th October 2017.  The past Conferences have proved very popular and therefore. Early booking is essential.  Planned sessions included in this year’s Conference include Data Sharing, Money Laundering, dealing with short-term sub-lets/rentals, use of social media and the internet in gathering evidence, conducting interviews  and the work of the National Fraud Initiative.  There will also be numerous stands from key partners in the tackling of tenancy fraud. 


Banana and Crunchie Loaf

Banana & Crunchie Loaf

You will need :

  • 200g self raising flour
  • ¼ teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
  • Pinch of salt
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • 75g butter
  • 175g caster sugar
  • 2 or 3 mashed bananas
  • 2 Crunchie bars, roughly chopped


  • Pre-heat oven to 180°c
  • Grease & line the base of a ½ kg/1lb loaf tin
  • Put flour, bicarb, salt, eggs, butter & sugar in a bowl & stir
  • Add the mashed bananas & stir
  • Add the chopped Crunchies & stir
  • Bake for approximately 1 hr 10 mins until risen, golden brown & a skewer inserted in the middle comes out clean
  • Check after 35-40 mins & if top is browning too quickly slide a piece of kitchen foil loosely on top of the cake
  • Cool for 5 mins in tin before turning onto a wire rack to cool completely